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Voyage au Château de Warsy 2024

Image of the Château de Warsy

The yr 9 and 10 French trip to Le Château de Warsy took place from 28 June to 1 July.
The students enjoyed practising their French and loved seeing the sights of Paris and being part of the build up to the Olympics.

Participating year 9 students, Amelia, Iris, Darcie, Jessica and Molly summarise their adventures.

Day 1 - 28.6.2024

On the first day we had to get to school at 4:30 in the morning. C'était très fatigant (it was very tiring)! Then we left the school and went to Dover port where we got on the ferry et nous avons pris le petit déjeuner (and we had breakfast). When our ferry arrived in France we went to Thiepval to have lunch and visit the memorial there. Après, nous avons visité le Musée Albert (after, we visited the Albert museum). After we looked around the museum we saw the Château de Warsy for the first time. After we had dinner, on a fait beaucoup de sport (we did lots of sport) and lots of games. Nous sommes allés au lit à dix heures (we went to bed at 10). 
À mon avis, c’était vraiment passionnant et amusant! (in my opinion, it was exciting and fun).

Day 2 - 29.6.2024

On the second day, we woke up at 7:30 and spent the day in Amiens. Nous avons exploré le marché et nous avons visité la cathédrale (we explored the market and visited the cathedral). We went back to the chateau quite early and we did activities with the staff there. We did an obstacle course or scavenger hunt and low ropes or pétanque. puis nous avons dîné (then we had dinner) and afterwards we went to sleep.
Selon moi, c’était très fatigant mais tellement amusant! (in my opinion it was very tiring but so fun).

Day 3 - 30.6.2024

On the third day we went to Paris. We first went up the Tour de Montparnasse which is 210m or 690 ft tall. Après, nous avons déjeuné près de la Tour Eiffel (after, we had lunch by the Eiffel Tower)! After that we went on a boat ride down the river Seine et il y avait beaucoup de belles vues (and there was lots of beautiful views). Afterwards we were taken back to the chateau and given time to get ready for bed. 
Á mon avis, c’était extrêmement joli et agréable (in my opinion, it was extremely pretty and pleasant)

Day 4 - 1.7.2024

On the last day, we went to Le Touquet which is a seaside town in France et il y avait beaucoup de magasins (and there were lots of shops). After that, we drove to Calais and got on the ferry. The ferry was very big, and it had a big shop with lots of souvenirs and lots of sweets and chocolate. When we arrived back in England we went back to school and got there at about 7pm.

The trip was very fun, and it was one of the best experiences of my life, it also helped to broaden our French knowledge and gain life skills.

Big thanks to Mrs Radix for organising the trip and thanks to Miss Ives, Mr Argyrides and Mrs Brissenden for helping supervise us on the trip.
And also a massive thanks to Martin, our coach driver, for driving us everywhere and getting us where we wanted to go.



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