Parents: Do we have your correct email address?

We are making more use of email to send details of important events and opportunities for you and your child or children.
We already have a record of parents' email addresses for more than 90% of our students. However, we want to make sure every email address is correct and information is emailed to every child's home.
Please check below to see how you can help us:
What a great idea. I would like to confirm my email address.
That's simple - download, print and complete the Registered Email Address Form and return it to the school office.
I don't have an email address, or, I don't use email.
There are plenty of quick and simple email services you can use to create your own email address. Two of the most popular are (a Microsoft product) and Gmail (a Google product). Both are free to set up and use.
Once you have an email address, download, print and complete the Registered Email Address Form and return it to the school office.
I can't remember which email address I have registered with the school.
No problem - simply download, print and complete the Registered Email Address Form and return it to the school office.
I rarely check my email. OR
I don't use a laptop or desktop computer.
Mobile apps let you use email on a mobile 'phone or tablet (see and Gmail advice). Using an app has the added advantage allowing you to receive and read our emails wherever you are.
I would rather you sent me a text.
Text messages will be used only very occasionally. We plan to send more detailed messages by email (too large for a text message) and sometimes include attached files such as letters which would otherwise need to be printed and sent home with your child.