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Parent Power - An Informative Event for Year 11 Parents

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Universally positive feedback for our annual 'Parent Power' event. 

We were delighted to welcome so many Year 11 parents to our annual 'Parent Power' event last week, for general and specific guidance as to how best to support Year 11s pupils to GCSE confidence and academic success. There was a general wellbeing and update discussion in the hall followed by 4 focused sessions to gain GCSE success across our four 'core' subjects (Maths, English, Sciences and Foreign Languages). 100% of parents called the session useful - with particular comments of commendation including the quality of resources, as well as the balance between specific feedback and the ability to ask questions. If you were unable to come - please see the collated slides below and get in touch with the Year 11 pastoral team should you have any further questions or queries.

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Dane Court Grammar School
Broadstairs Road
CT10 2RT

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(01843) 864941